Funny Star Trek Pick Up Lines

Fiction is the most talked about the subject about teens. And one sun fictional series that conquered everyone's heart is star trek. So for all the star trek fans, we have something very interesting that all of you will love. We have some amazing pick up lines on the fictional language of aliens which is Klingon. Hope you like our Klingon pickup lines. Also, to flaunt your interest in star trek we have come forth with star trek pickup lines for Reddit and star trek pickup lines for Instagram. Hope these pick-up lines fascinate you. So let's use cheesy pick up lines on your crush to spice up your relationship.

Also, do comment on your favorite pickup lines and the pickup lines that worked for you. Do share our page with your friends and dear ones so that they can have fun using these pickup lines. We will be glad if you share some of the topics you want pickup lines. Hope you have a lovely time using them.

Star Trek Pickup Lines For Reddit

Social media is one of the best platforms to make your crush fall for you. So, preparing thedeadliest combination ofStar Trek pick-up linesfor social media handles like Instagram. We have given here the followingStar Trek pick-up lines for Reddit. Do read them and use them and tell us your favorite one.

  • "Wanna see the Captain's log?"
  • Someone must have shot you with a phaser set on "stunning". Copy This.
  • "Let's go back to my shop so I can inspect your EPS Conduit."
  • "Are you from the holodeck? Because you're too beautiful to be real."
  • Klingon Pick Up Line: bIQamQo'chugh, chay' qapummoHlaH? (If you won't stand up, how can I knock you down?) Copy This.
  • "Want to see my Class 3 probe? Earth woman, prepare to be probed!"
  • "I can feel your pain buried within you. Let me touch it."
  • (Klingon) "pu'jIn vIpoQ. mInDu'lIj vIbejtaHvIS DaqwIj vIlIj!" (I need a map. I got lost while I was watching your eyes!)
  • "And you think my ears are big…."
  • Wanna see the Captain's log? Copy This.
  • "I can't help it — my eyes are trapped in the gravitational field of your breasts!"
  • "Logic tells me it'd be most beneficial if we reproduced."
  • Klingon Pick Up Line: pu'jIn vIpoQ. mInDu'lIj vIbejtaHvIS DaqwIj vIlIj! (I need a map. I got lost while I was watching your eyes!) Copy This.
  • (Betazoid) "So, wanna go to a wedding together?"
  • (Klingon) "bIQamQo'chugh, chay' qapummoHlaH?" (If you won't stand up, how can I knock you down?)
  • Hey, it's about time you docked that shuttle! Copy This.
  • I'd like to fill your Jeffries tube. Copy This.
  • "Baby, you make my antennae stand up straight!"
  • Dang…so many torpedoes…so little time. Copy This.
  • Hello, I had sensors scanning for sexy lifeforms and you where the only one they could find. Copy This.
  • "Take off your clothes and let's start the next generation."
Star Trek Pickup Lines For Reddit
Star Trek Pickup Lines For Reddit

Klingon Pickup Lines

Are you and our crush a star trek fan? And do you want to talk with her or him in Klingon? The fictional language of aliens is Klingon. So, for you, we have come up with some interesting pickup lines that you will love and have fun using them. So, do use it.

  • Hello, I had sensors scanning for sexy lifeforms and you were the only one they could find."
  • 51. "I would kill the children of 1,000 worlds just to see you smile!"
  • Hey baby! Someone must have shot you with a phaser set on "stunning". Copy This.
  • 9. "You make my pants go to Red Alert."
  • 56. "I'll beam you all night long."
  • 91. (Klingon) "If I bite you, will you bite me back?"
  • Logic tells me it'd be most beneficial if we reproduced. Copy This.
  • 40. "Set phaser to fun….wink…wink."
  • You can set your phaser to stunning! Copy This.
  • Did the earth move for you, or are we sitting on a Horta? Copy This.
  • 23. "Your eyes look Spocktacular!"
  • Is that a phaser in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Copy This.
  • Looks like you could use some work on your port inducer. Copy This.
  • 20. "I've got something big in my torpedo tube."
  • 34. "Baby, you're hot enough to jump-start a Vulcan's pon farr."
  • I'm going to ask you out. Resistance is futile Copy This.
  • Forget warp speed, let's just go on impulse.. Copy This.
  • I'm really great with tongues. Copy This.
  • 85. "I want to unify with you… ;)"
  • My multi-phasic trans-dimensional inducer method is guaranteed to complete your cycle of operations
Klingon Pickup Lines
Klingon Pickup Lines

Funny Star Trek Pickup Lines

It is well said that " if you make them laugh, they will love you." So, you should have fun while having a conversation with them. So, we have supplied you with a set offunny pick-up lines. Have lots of fun using them on your crush.

  • "We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your heart."
  • Can I tribble you for some sweet kisses? Copy This.
  • 58. "With you, my erection will live longer and prosper."
  • Want to see my Class 3 probe? Earth woman, prepare to be probed! Copy This.
  • I've got something big in my torpedo tube. Copy This.
  • 71. "Let's go down to my quarters, and I'll show you a real Picard Maneuver."
  • I'll show you my docking bay if you show me your ship. Copy This.
  • Hi I'm the Captain, how may I be of service? Copy This.
  • 48. "Set phasers to love!"
  • 36. "Hey baby, someone must have shot you with a phaser set on "stunning"."
  • 82. "When I have you in my sensors range, my plasma conduits go on fire."
  • Your mouth says, 'Shields up!', but your eyes say, 'A hull breach is imminent.' Copy This.
  • 97. (Klingon) "Daqtagh HInob! tIqwIj qa'angnIS!" (Hand me a d'k tahg! I must show you my heart!)
  • Do you want to go where no man has gone before? Copy This.
  • You don't need a mind meld to know what I am thinking. Copy This.
  • 84. "What happens if I blow on your antenna?"
  • Klingon Pick Up Line: pu' tIHmey bach'a' mInDu'lIj? vIleghDI' jIroSHa'choH! (Do your eyes fire phaser beams? When I see you I get stunned!) Copy This.
  • Klingon Pick Up Line: che'ron 'oH parmaq'e' 'ej DaHjaj SuvwI' jIH! (Love is a battlefield, and today, I am a warrior!) Copy This.
  • 49. "You're the matter to my anti-matter."
  • I wouldn't mind getting my hands on your ample nacelles
Funny Star Trek Pickup Lines
Funny Star Trek Pickup Lines

Cheesy Star Trek Pickup Lines

We have to spice up our relationship tokeep it cheesy. Also, for that, we need to keep using pickup lines. Here, are a bunch ofamazing pickup lines which you will love and so will keep your relationship cheesy. Below are awesomecheesy pickup lines. Have fun using them.

  • Can you feel the Pon Farr tonight?"
  • 72. "Hello, well-formed Vulcan specimen. Would you care to depart with me towards my domiciliary residence and observe a documentary of the ontogenesis of another Vulcan individual just prior to fertilization?"
  • Klingon Pick Up Line: may'luchwIjmo' Qobbe' tajmey 'ach tIqwIj luDuQ mInDu'lIj! (My armor shields me from knives, but your eyes pierce my heart!) Copy This.
  • "I'll chase you 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round Perdition's flames before I give you up!" Copy This.
  • 90. "It's Pon Farr. If you don't come home with me tonight, I'll die. You don't want that on your conscience, do you?"
  • We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your heart. Copy This.
  • 93. (Klingon) "If it was the only way to get into Sto'vo'kor I'd let you eat my heart."
  • 25. "Can I take a ride on your warp core?"
  • 27. "I have a full spread of torpedoes locked onto your ventral hull."
  • 15. "Why don't we head to my bedroom, peel back my Star Wars sheets, and discover what a true Jedi can do with his light-saber?"
  • 86. "You can explore my planet anytime."
  • 59. "Do you want to go where no man has gone before?"
  • You make my pants go to Red Alert. Copy This.
  • 96. (Klingon) "che'ron 'oH parmaq'e' 'ej DaHjaj SuvwI' jIH!" (Love is a battlefield, and today, I am a warrior!)
  • 53. "Baby are your hailing frequencies open?"
  • Your pants are the final frontier
  • 7. "Is that a phaser in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
  • 4. "Dang… so many torpedoes… so little time."
  • Can I beam you up shorty? Copy This.
  • Baby, you're hot enough to jump-start a Vulcan's pon farr.
Cheesy Star Trek Pickup Lines
Cheesy Star Trek Pickup Lines

Dirty Star Trek Pickup Lines

Sometimes dirty is so clean. Especially when you are chatting with him or her to impress them. So, be a little naughty while a conversation and heat the conversation. While using the dirty Pickup lines.

  • "Baby, we don't need a holodeck. I'll make all your fantasies come true."
  • 57. "My multi-phasic trans-dimensional inducer method is guaranteed to complete your cycle of operations."
  • 37. "Hey, it's about time you docked that shuttle!"
  • Wanna breach my wrap core? Copy This.
  • 89. "I'll bet you want to penetrate my cloak…"
  • 39. "Forget warp speed, let's just go on impulse…"
  • 31. "I'll chase you 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round Perdition's flames before I give you up!"
  • 75. "I wouldn't mind getting my hands on your ample nacelles."
  • 18. "You are my quantum singularity."
  • When i have you in my sensors range, my plasma conduits goes on fire. Copy This.
  • "Nice legs…for a human." Copy This.
  • 13. "Nice legs… for a human."
  • 66. "Forgive my Kirk-like boldness, but you wanna go back to my mom's place and watch 'Dr. Who'?"
  • 98. (Klingon) "may'luchwIjmo' Qobbe' tajmey 'ach tIqwIj luDuQ mInDu'lIj!" (My armor shields me from knives, but your eyes pierce my heart!)
  • 65. "Hey baby, can I see if your Replicator works?"
  • 42. "Your pants are the final frontier."
  • 60. "Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded."
  • Can you feel the Pon Farr tonight? Copy This.
  • Let's go back to my shop so I can inspect your EPS Conduit. Copy This.
  • 76. "You can set your phaser to stunning!"
  • 3. "I'd like to clean your plasma conduits."
Dirty Star Trek Pickup Lines
Dirty Star Trek Pickup Lines

Best Star Trek Pickup Lines

The best is here. Everyone wants to be thebest in the relationship. So, we are here to make you the best. We have supplied you with a bunch ofthe best pickup lines. So, that you can break the ice and be the best. Grab a pen and note them down. They all will work for sure.

  • So Lieutenant. How about I show the meaning of Torpedo – full spread?" Copy This.
  • I'd like to clean your plasma conduits. Copy This.
  • 68. "I'll be your Spock and you can Klingon this dick." ????
  • 62. "I'm really great with tongues."
  • 29. "Lower your shields and let me into your heart."
  • 38. "Once you make love to a man with Vulcan ears on you never go back."
  • 73. "Nice Asimov."
  • 35. "Hi, I'm the Captain. How may I be of service?"
  • Your mouth says, 'Shields up!', but your eyes say, 'A hull breach is imminent.'"
  • 99. (Klingon) "pu' tIHmey bach'a' mInDu'lIj? vIleghDI' jIroSHa'choH!" (Do your eyes fire phaser beams? When I see you I get stunned!)
  • "Anomalous heat reading off the starboard bow, setting an intercept course!" Copy This.
  • 28. "Looks like you could use some work on your port inducer."
  • 2. "Although it is illogical, I am afraid you have emotionally compromised me."
  • 44. "Would you like some Vulcan in you?"
  • 33. "Wanna breach my warp core?"
  • 41. "Before I met you, I thought human mating customs were disgusting. Care to prove me wrong?"
  • How about I slip into something more comfortable.. like these star trek voyager pajamas baby! Copy This.
  • Can I take a ride on your warp core? Copy This.
  • 70. (Vulcan) "My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia makes me think I'm falling for you."
  • 54. "I'm going to ask you out. Resistance is futile!"
  • It's Pon Farr. If you don't come home with me tonight, I'll die. You don't want that on your conscience, do you? Copy This.
  • 64. "So… Ever done it in a shuttlepod?"
  • 69. "Tell me of this thing you humans call (pause) love."
Best Star Trek Pickup Lines
Best Star Trek Pickup Lines

Flirty Star Trek Pickup Lines

Want to have some spicy or flirty talk with your girlfriend or boyfriend? Here, are some interesting pickup lines that you will love. Presenting you flirty star trek pick up lines that you will love and will melt your crush's heart. So use them and do tell your favorite one.

  • You don't need a mind meld to know what I am thinking."
  • Klingon Pick Up Line: Daqtagh HInob! tIqwIj qa'angnIS! (Hand me a d'k tahg! I must show you my heart!) Copy This.
  • 8. "Anomalous heat reading off the starboard bow, setting an intercept course!"
  • 88. "Urkuk lu Stalga. That's Klingon for "I love you, baby"."
  • Beam me up, hottie! Copy This.
  • 17. "I am no Will Wheaton, but I've got a Crusher on you."
  • 19. "Beam me up, hottie!"
  • 32. "Did the earth move for you, or are we sitting on a Horta?"
  • 61. "Hey baby, wanna see my bat'leth?"
  • 16. "Not only can I beam you aboard, but I can also beam you a woody."
  • 24. "I'll show you my docking bay if you show me your ship."
  • Baby are your hailing frequencies open? Copy This.
  • Thank God I'm not a red shirt, because you're drop dead gorgeous! Copy This.
  • 83. "Come back to my place and I will assimilate you into my collective!"
  • 74. "Hey, maybe we can turn off the artificial gravity tonight." 😉
  • Klingon Pick Up Line: tuj'a' pa'vam? ghobe'. 'IwwIj DapubmoHba' SoH'e'! (Is it warm in here? No, it is clearly you who makes my blood boil!) Copy This.
  • 12. "Can I beam you up shorty?"
  • 55. "Baby, you're hot enough to jump-start a Vulcan's pon farr."
  • 10. "I would love to assimilate you into my pants!"
Flirty Star Trek Pickup Lines
Flirty Star Trek Pickup Lines

Star Trek Pickup Lines For Instagram

Social media is one of the best platforms to make your crush fall for you. So, preparing thedeadliest combination ofStar Trek pick-up linesfor social media handles like Instagram. We have given here the followingStar Trek pick-up lines for Instagram. Do read them and use them and tell us your favorite one.

  • I'm Wesley crushing on you Copy This.
  • 50. "No, that's not a bat'leth in my pocket…"
  • Take off your clothes and let's start the next generation. Copy This.
  • Hey baby, wanna calibrate my tricorder? Copy This.
  • Your eyes look Spocktacular! Copy This.
  • I can't help it — my eyes are trapped in the gravitational field of your breasts! Copy This.
  • And you think my ears are big…. Copy This.
  • 47. "I am having trouble getting my photon torpedo out of it's breech, can you assist?"
  • I am having trouble getting my photon torpedo out of it's breech, can you assist? Copy This.
  • You can explore my planet anytime. Copy This.
  • 63. "I will boldly go where no one's gone before: your rear hangar!"
  • 77. "Hey baby, wanna calibrate my tricorder?"
  • What happens if I blow on your antenna? Copy This.
  • Hey baby, wanna see my bat'leth? Copy This.
  • 14. "Not even the Borg could reach your level of perfection."
  • Although it is illogical, I am afraid you have emotionally compromised me. Copy This.
  • Would you like some Vulcan in you? Copy This.
  • 94. (Klingon) "Tuj'a' pa'vam? ghobe'. 'IwwIj DapubmoHba' SoH'e'!" (Is it warm in here? No, it is clearly you who makes my blood boil!)
  • 6. "So Lieutenant. How about I show you the meaning of Torpedo – full spread?"
  • 67. "I'd like to fill your Jeffries tube."
Star War Pickup Lines For Instagram 1
Star War Pickup Lines For Instagram 1


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